Friday, October 15, 2010

The iPod Is Still Top Of Christmas Wish Lists For Teens

Electronics always seem to be on the Christmas wish lists of teens and tweens, and there’s no denying that the iPod has dominated that list for many years now.

Recently upgraded, the iPod is set to sell in huge qualities for Christmas 2010. Here’s a quick guide to what’s available, and whether the iPod really is the perfect gift for your teen.


The Apple iPod Classic is now in its sixth generation, and is the biggest and best iPod available yet. It is still considered the hottest MP3 player around, and comes with a whopping 160 GB of space! This is perfect for the music-loving teen who wants a lot of space for their music. Prices start at around $250.
iPod Nano

The newest iPod Nano for Christmas 2010 is in its 6th generation, and is looking sleeker than ever before. It comes in two different hard drive sizes: 8GB and 16GB. You can choose from the following colors to suit the recipient:

* Blue
* Green
* Orange
* Pink
* Silver
* Graphite

The Nano can be played for 24 hours from each charge, and is designed to be as small and as light as possible. It can literally be carried everywhere, and is small enough to fit into a pocket. The newest Nano functions much like a Shuffle (see below), except for the addition of the small touch screen. Prices start at around $150.

iPod Touch
The iPod Touch is the most sophisticated iPod you can get, with most of the same features as the iPhone (without the ability to make calls). It comes in a number of capacities: 8GB, 32GB and 64GB, and prices start at just over $200. This means it’s useful for most music libraries, but some users may find that they need a larger capacity classic iPod to fit on all of their songs.

The Touch can be played for up to 40 hours and includes a huge number of features. Your teen can watch their movies, connect to Wi-Fi networks, download apps to help with school work, instant message with their friends, take photographs with the new camera, and much more!
iPod Shuffle

The iPod Shuffle is currently in its fourth generation and comes in blue, green, orange, pink and silver color schemes. It comes with 2GB, and is a player designed to take to the gym. It doesn’t feature a screen, so it’s easy to control without looking at it. It’s extremely small, and can be played for 15 hours continuously on a single charge. This is also the least expensive version of the iPod available, costing around $50.
Which iPod Should You Buy?

Teens and tweens love just about all models of iPod, so it depends whether they need a large hard drive, want something small, or want the ability to download apps and more. The iPod Touch does the most, but if price is a limit then you may want to look into the other models available.

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