Wednesday, September 15, 2010

How Much Does Kinect Cost? How You Can Get It Cheaper

Kinect promises big things in the world of motion-controlled gaming, but with its highly anticipated release comes the question of Kinect cost. Is it really worth the price tag, and are there any ways to get hold of it cheaper?

The Kinect Cost: Is It Worth It?

The recommended retail price for Kinect is $149.99, and most retailers will be sticking to this price due to anticipated demand for this new piece of software. This is a lot higher than just about any controller that’s been released for a video game console, though the controller is also different to anything you may have seen before.

This controller isn’t actually a controller in the usual sense of the word. It is, in fact, a sensor bar that incorporates a camera to detect bodily movements (it even works with two players) to replicate them on the screen. You don’t even need to use a controller to select menu options – you just “grab” the items. In this respect, this is extremely new technology which explains the high Kinect cost.

Sony are releasing a similar product known as “Move”. This works slightly differently, using a camera, controller and navigation controller to achieve the effect. The total cost of this equipment is $100 – a useful comparison to the Kinect hardware.

How Can You Get Kinect Cheaper?

Although Kinect carries a hefty price tag, there are ways you can reduce the cost if you also want to buy the console at the same time. Alone, Kinect does come with one game to add value to the package. However, you can buy this game and the Kinect motion sensor along with the new Xbox 360 Slim console for an even bigger saving.

The Xbox 360 console and Kinect bundles come in two options: a 250GB hard drive and a 4GB hard drive. They’re sold alone at $299.99 and $199.99 respectively, and you can add just $100 onto the price if you want the Kinect bundle. This makes the 250GB bundle $399.99 and the 4GB bundle $299.99.

As you can see, the Kinect cost is expensive if you consider it to be a standard controller – but the truth is that it’s much more than that. It really will be a completely new gaming experience, and one that many people are likely going to be willing to pay for. It’ll also be great for families or those who want a new activity to do with their friends.

Click HERE to see the latest offers on the Kinect