Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Playstation Move Gun and Playstation Move Navigation Controller

The basis behind the Playstation Move system is to use the motion controller in conjunction with the camera for an accurate way to measure your movements and replicate them within games.
However, for those who want even more accuracy (and more fun!) there are two notable accessories available: the Playstation Move Gun and the Playstation Move Navigation controller.
Playstation Move and First Person Shooter Games

When Playstation Move was first announced, many people wondered how it was going to work with first person shooter games: games that required users to replicate holding, aiming and shooting a gun (and not to just move their arms around to create movements). This is why Playstation came out with these impressive add-ons.
The Playstation Move Gun

Sony announced the Playstation Move Gun stating that it would be perfect for first person shooters and rail shooter games, such as Resident Evil. The gun attachment is designed to make it more realistic, and includes laser point aiming to help with precision in the game. Although this might not be useful for many of the games, for those into their shooting games it’s definitely a must-have.

The Playstation Move Navigation Controller

The Playstation Move Navigation Controller is another optional accessory, and will generally be useful in a greater number of the games than the Move Gun will be. It’s also included in the Move Starter Bundle alongside the Move motion controller, camera, and Sports game.

The Navigator includes an analog stick alongside directional buttons, that help you navigate menus and aspects of games, as well as the X and O Playstation buttons. You’ll also get L1, L2 and L3 buttons for advanced functions within games. The Navigation controller features a rechargeable Li-ion battery, and you can use up to two motion controllers and two navigation controllers connected to the system at the same time.

It’s important to note that, where games are compatible with the Playstation Move Navigator, you can also use the standard DualShock controller in its place. This is why the navigator really is optional as far as Move games go.

The Playstation Move Gun and the Playstation Move Navigation controllers aren’t necessary for you to take advantage of Move, but they are a fantastic add-on for anyone who wants the complete gaming experience and perfect control in all genres of game. To get the best prices, opt for the Move bundle and buy the Gun separately.
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